About Me

It was the period when we were all locked in our homes due to the Covid pandemic. I was one of those who thought that life would not be spent watching Netflix. I thought woodworking might be suitable for me and I started my first woodworking on the balcony of my house.

I am an Agricultural Engineer, and I’ve been working with olive trees for many years as a researcher.  For this reason, I first started doing something with this “immortal tree’s” wood. Over time, I continued to recognize other wood types. I learned the basics of carpentry by watching dozens of hours of videos. I started purchasing a few pieces of material every month and completed many of the products that should be found in a carpentry shop.

As a result, I created the products as you see on this website, and I continue to produce many others. I currently have a small workshop in Bademler Village, although it is not suitable for woodworking, but not bad for a novice carpenter. I’m still completing my shortcomings (both materials and experience).

This is an expensive hobby, and unfortunately you have to make money to keep it going. For this reason and also to showcase the work I do, I’ve built this website. Like all dreamers’ expectations, I hope you like, share and buy my products.

This is my story in short, you can follow me on social media.

Instagram: @woodoleaofficial
Pinterest: @woodoleaofficial
YouTube: @woodoleaofficial


Brand owner and carpenter